Energy Queensland deploys smart DERMS for load control

Energy Queensland deploys smart DERMS for load control
Image: 123rf

In an attempt to optimise load control, electric utility Energy Queensland is partnering with mPrest for a grid-aware DERMS to coordinate and expand their base of distributed energy resources and DER programmes.

mPrest, which develops grid-aware Distributed Energy Resource Management Systems (DERMS) for utilities, and Energy Queensland, one of Australia’s largest wholly government-owned electricity companies, announced the partnership with the aim of optimising energy use.

The distribution utility-focused DERMS project aims to optimise and orchestrate energy from over one million DERs and DER and load control programmes.

“The Australian market is an advanced and fully deregulated renewable energy market,” said Ron Halpern, mPrest’s chief commercial officer. “Such a scenario, of Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) and DER energy trading with the energy market, combined with Australia’s high DER penetration, introduces distribution grid constraint challenges. 

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“We’re excited to implement within our mDERMS Dynamic Operating Envelopes (DOEs) – which are power envelopes that the distribution utility can apply to grid imports and exports, thus enabling dynamic management of grid constraints with minimal impacts on customers. We expect this model to be adopted in other regions around the world as well.”

According to mPrest, with the mDERMS suite, Queensland Energy will be able to manage DERs against existing loads and better channel energy to areas of high demand and away from areas of high supply.

As more renewables come online, grid systems become more stressed and require more coordinated management to ensure stability.

Queensland’s adoption of the DER software is thus hoped to alleviate stress on the system, enhance operational efficiencies and improve reliability.

mPrest also cites mDERMS integrates with third party demand response, virtual power plants and microgrid management systems, as well as with SCADA, distribution and advanced distribution management systems.