IFBF 2023: The future of flow batteries is here

With a packed audience of 350 attendees from across the world and almost 20 exhibitors, the IFBF brought together the greatest minds in flow batteries to Prague. All eyes are now on Scotland, which will host the IFBF 2024 with the support of Invinity Energy Systems.

The 12th edition of the leading annual event for the flow battery community was a record-breaking success and concluded in Prague when Invinity Energy Systems invited the IFBF to hold the next edition in June 2024 in Scotland. To highlight the announcement, the Czech local supporter, Jiří Vrána from Pinflow handed the IFBF flag to Larry Zulch from Invinity Energy Systems.

Larry Zulch, Invinity Energy Systems, left, and Jiří Vrána, Pinflow, right, hold the IFBF flag at the IFBF 2023 in Prague

From 27 – 29 June 2023 in Prague, the IFBF welcomed 300 attendees from around the world plus 50 connected online who convened to learn & share knowledge about flow batteries and foster valuable networking opportunities.

Over the three days, the conference managed to gather the entire flow battery community, with a heterogenous audience from industry, academia, and research, and featured talks, panel sessions, open discussions, an exhibition area, a poster session, networking activities and a local site visit to the old wastewater treatment plant in Prague.

EASE webinar recording:
Long-duration energy storage and decarbonising the industry

The attendees were able to hear the latest technological, market and political developments in the flow battery sector during the conference sessions and see brand-new innovations being showcased at the exhibition area. The rising number of flow battery installations around the world, and their growing importance in the energy storage sector were presented by the leading players in the market.

A wide range of students had the opportunity to present their latest research in a lively poster session competition which looked at inspiring research being undertaken in the field, contributing to bridging the gap between research and industry.

Mirko D’Adamo from Nvision receiving the Poster Session award at the IFBF from Patrick Clerens.

“The IFBF is unique in how it brings all players in the flow battery sector together from business leaders, policymakers, developers and researchers to discuss the thriving world of energy storage and the important role of flow batteries,’’ said Anthony Price, IFBF President.

In 2024 in Scotland, the conference will present again a format including a mix of presentations, networking, exhibition and site visits. All potential exhibitors and sponsors interested can find more information about these opportunities by writing to info@flowbatteryforum.com.

The International Flow Battery Forum (IFBF) is the leading annual event for the flow battery community, promoting the most recent developments in the science, technology and commercialisation of flow batteries.

For more information about the International Flow Battery Forum, please visit: https://flowbatteryforum.com/

The IFBF Conference took place in Prague at the Corinthia Hotel from 27 to 29 June 2023