Smart Gas Archives | Smart Energy International News & insights for smart metering, smart energy & grid professionals in the electricity, water & gas industries. Wed, 06 Sep 2023 05:59:47 +0000 en-ZA hourly 1 Smart Gas Archives | Smart Energy International 32 32 50,000 smart meter LoRaWAN retrofit in Indonesia Wed, 06 Sep 2023 05:59:46 +0000 Singapore smart meter provider Sindcon is to retrofit its network of more than 50,000 smart meters in Indonesia with ST Microelectronics’ LoRaWAN wireless microcontrollers.

The retrofit, which encompasses electricity, gas and water meters, is aimed to enable remote meter reading in the diverse environments around the capital Jakarta.

There the meters are in locations including inside private apartments, residential areas, industrial water utilities and shopping malls, which has resulted in meter reading being both challenging and expensive.

Chen Deyu, CEO at Sindcon, says ST Microelectronics’ STM32WLE5 LoRaWAN wireless microcontroller was selected “for its high integration benefits to our customers and because it enhances performance, size, security and power consumption.”

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Indonesia’s New Energy Paradigm Digital Series

The STM32WLE5 wireless MCU is a sub-GHz wireless microcontroller featuring an Arm Cortex-M4 core operating at 48MHz.

The MCU contains 256kb of Flash memory, 64kb of SRAM, LoRa modulation, and AES 256-bit encryption.

With the STM32WLE5, Sindcon’s retrofitted meters contain an advanced battery management system that can support accurate remote readings for up to 10 years.

The project is Sindcon’s first deployment in Indonesia using the STM32WLE5CC wireless MCU and is expected to be completed by the end of 2023.

Sindcon is involved in several LoRaWAN smart meter installations in Indonesia.

Over the past five years, the company has installed more than 1,000 LoRaWAN smart gas meters for restaurants and other commercial customers in more than 20 shopping malls in the country.

A recently reported new customer is Indonesia KFC, which has adopted Sindcon’s gas meter technology.

In another project, Sindcon has partnered with IoT solution provider IoT Kreasi Indonesia on prepaid gas metering in Jakarta for the country’s state-owned gas transmission and distribution company PGN Group – believed to be a first in Southeast Asia.

In the first phase, some 2,000 LoRaWAN prepaid gas meters have been deployed in collaboration with Chint, whose G1.6 model gas meter has been re-engineered to offer prepayment and LoRaWAN wireless data transmission.

Sindcon also has partnered with IoT Kreasi Indonesia on Semtech LoRa and LoRaWAN based smart electricity and water meter deployments in multi-tenant residential buildings.

Once upon a time there was gas… and tomorrow? Mon, 07 Feb 2022 08:29:16 +0000 The future calls for environmental sustainability, stable energy, economic sustainability, and ‘Smart Ecosystems’.

Solar Turbines has been invested for decades in the current generation of gas turbines and digital solutions that are not only ready now for the fuels of the future, such as hydrogen, biogas, biofuel, synthetic gas, but also developed as the key component of the Smart CHP concept.

The CHP concept is where energy is produced when needed in support of industries and communities enhancing decarbonisation by increasing the feasibility of the growth of renewables and providing the most efficient way to use fuels when needed.

Interested in more content from Solar Turbines? Visit their content library here

WEBINAR RECORDING: EUW – Horizon 2020 projects Thu, 06 Jun 2019 14:16:51 +0000

Horizon 2020 is one of the biggest opportunities for European utilities to test, trial and explore the impact of technology and innovation across the power, water and gas sectors.

This €80 billion initiative is seen as an investment into the future of Europe, Horizon 2020 is helping to deliver this opportunity with an emphasis on excellent science and industrial leadership. The goal?  Ensure Europe produces world-class science, removes barriers to innovation and makes it easier for the public and private sectors to work together in delivering innovation.

Join Greenbird CEO Thorsten Heller and Gianluigi Migliavacca, Project coordinator for the SmartNet project, as they discuss their projects, the scope and implications for the energy transition.

Thorsten Heller discussed the Greenbird Horizon 2020 SME Instrument, Phase 2 project. This project has been designed to develop Greenbird’s Utilihive Data Lake to illuminate “dark data” from smart metering for its members, benefitting utilities using the project by providing a centralised source of unified energy data – providing insights for operational improvements, saving and new services for energy consumers.

The SmartNet project sought to provide answers and propose new practical solutions to the increasing integration of renewable energy sources in the existing electricity transmission network, with a particular focus on both market structures and interactions between TSOs and DSOs.

SmartNet, which wrapped up on 30 June 2019, focussed on providing optimised instruments and modalities to improve the coordination between the grid operators at a national and local level (respectively the TSOs and DSOs) and the exchange of information for monitoring and for the acquisition of ancillary services.

View the webinar as we explore some of the following projects and programmes across the European utility sector:

  • SmartNet
  • Greenbird Horizon 2020 SME Instrument, Phase 2 project


Gianluigi Migliavacca – Project coordinator, RSE

For several years, Gianluigi was head of the Transmission Network Planning research Group at Ricerca Sistema Energetico. Now he acts as project coordinator of important national and international research projects. His research activities span over the following topics:

  • Transmission grid development expansion and technical economical assessments
  • Electricity markets studies and analyses
  • Smart Grids
  • He was task leader within the study SD-2012-01 (“Faisabilité de réalisation de capacités d’échanges d’électricité entre les pays du nord de l’Afrique et du Moyen Orient, et l’Europe” – Lot 2 : Couloir Centre (Algérie – Tunisie- Libye – Italie)” – 2013-2014) performed on behalf of MedGrid, concerning future energy import from North Africa to Europe through the Italian peninsula;
  • In 2013, he published as editor the book “Advanced technologies for future transmission grids” for Springer (ISBN 978-1-4471-4548-6)
  • In 2016 he began coordination of the SmartNet project (Horizon2020, call LCE6-2015), with 23 partners over 3 years.

Thorsten Heller – CEO: Greenbird

Thorsten Heller is the CEO at Greenbird, responsible for accelerating the energy revolution for utilities with Utilihive. Thorsten has long-term international experience from the energy industry as a CTO, integration developer, product manager, enterprise architect, technology advisor and technology evangelist. He is a much sought-after speaker on system integration within the utility industry, and a leading social media influencer on open source technology. He holds a Master of Science in Software Engineering and Information Technology from the Cooperative State University Mosbach.
